A handy guide to Zoom

With most of our corporate gatherings now moving to Zoom we thought it would be helpful to put together a page of top tips to help you get started.

Zoom is a brilliant solution to enable people to meet together online. You don’t need an account, and you can even do it over a landline telephone!

You might find it helpful to start by watching the two videos on the right, especially if you are quite new to Zoom.

If you haven’t used Zoom before we suggest you test out the tool as a participant before the event starts. You can join a test call here https://zoom.us/test and test your microphone and camera and the facilities available.

It is worth noting that Chromebooks don’t allow some of the functionality that we will be using (i.e. breakout rooms), so if you have a Chromebook see if you can connect using another device.

There are some really helpful hints and tips from CPAS in the document below, do have a read.

If you get stuck or need help using Zoom, please get in touch.

Wee look forward to seeing you soon!

Video: How to join a meeting

Joining a Zoom meeting is quick and easy! Discover the options for joining meetings based on your requirements and to ensure the best meeting experience poss...

Video: Adjusting your settings

Learn the options for joining and configuring Zoom's audio and video settings. https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362283-Testing-computer-or-device...

Zoom guidelines from CPAS