Get Involved

in World Mission

at Christ Church

We are delighted to be partnering closely with our Mission Partners in prayer, financial support and a variety of other ways. Some are overseas whilst others are more local, and they're all in need of our support. Many send individual mail updates for news and prayer support which are available to our church family through their My ChurchSuite account - contact the church office to get connected. 

We would love you to join us in praying for our mission partners. For our most up to date mission leaflet, click here.

Mission Partners - GLOBAL

Please pray with us for those we partner with around the world:


Beryl Ba

Beryl grew up in Surbiton, attending Emmanuel Tolworth, where she became a Christian. She then came to Christ Church to help set up a Pathfinder group. In 1961, she was called to Senegal to teach the children of English speaking missionaries, and later English in a government school. Since retiring(!), she has continued to live in Senegal, a predominantly Muslim country. She runs a guest house for Christian workers and friends visiting the capital, Dakar. She is also responsible for the distribution of Bible calendars throughout Senegal.

“I am grateful in the Lord for the prayer and financial help that Christ Church gives. Prayer is so vital for Senegal, a country that is over 90% Muslim and has just 0.1% evangelical Christians. As Christ Church is my only supporting church, financial help is very precious.” - Beryl Ba


The Schluter Family

Nat is principal of the Johannesburg Bible College - equipping and inspiring men and women for Bible teaching ministries. Many of their students are unable to afford the fees - even as pastors - so as part of making training as accessible as possible, they offer substantial bursaries, which Christ Church have supported.

“Thank you for your support - it is hugely appreciated, and enables the church here in South Africa.” -The Schluter Family


DeoLink (CCM Media)

Christ Church relationship with DeoLink (CCM Media) in Poland started in 1984. It was the only church in the world praying for their outreach (and still is). They began sharing the Gospel in Poland in 1975 during the difficult days of communism. Since then, they have been committed to finding the most effective ways to connect and engage people with Jesus and are continually improving our process. Today they are making connections in over 27 languages, collaborating with Kingdom partners to advance their shared vision.


Tearfund and the Diocese of Kitgum, Uganda.

We are supporting the work of Church and Community Transformation in the very impoverished North of the country, seeing individuals and whole villages changed through the practical outworking of the gospel. You can read more here.

More information about Tearfund and its work can be found here: 

Here is a prayer update that we received in April 2023.


Open Doors serves persecuted Christians around the world by providing vital support, delivering resources and providing training. We are partnering with them as we seek to stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters who are suffering for their faith today. 

Resources and information for prayer can be found here: 

Mission Partners - LOCAL

Please join us in prayer for those we partner with in our local area:


Insight are a local charity providing Christian schools workers in primary and secondary schools across Kingston and Richmond. They take lessons, do assemblies and run Bible Clubs and have partnered with us on our interactive events like the Christmas Journey and Easter Experience.

St Mary’s Summerstown

We are pleased to be partnering with a small, but growing church in a challenging part of London, with a particular focus on their work amongst the 11–14-year-olds after growing knife crime was reported amongst that vulnerable age group. 

More info about the work of St Mary’s can be found here: 

Mission Links: Global & local

Alongside our Mission Partners we support a number of organisations in the work they do both locally and further afield.

“Therefore go…

… and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Jesus in Matthew 28:19-20

If you feel God stirring your heart to get involved in mission, either locally or globally, we would love to hear from you! Email:


We celebrated World Mission Sunday on 14th July… here’s a clip with updates from our mission partners. Scroll further down for information about how we are involved in World Mission at Christ Church.

We are hosting our International Bring & Share lunch on the 18th May 2025 after the service.