Events Diary

“I have loved you with an everlasting love”

Jeremiah 31:3

Meeting fortnightly in the Church lounge

For women of all ages...
Come if you're a woman and free on Thursday morning from 9.30am with Bible study at 10.00-11.00am.

We're a warm, welcoming, friendly group of ladies of all ages and we meet for some Bible study and prayer.

For more information register your interest using this form.

once a term on a saturday morning

For women of all ages.

An opportunity to enjoy having breakfast together, chatting with friends, meeting new people and listening to a guest speaker.

This is held once a term on a Saturday morning from 8:30-10:30am

once a term on a monday evening

For women of all ages.

A chance to chat about a chosen Christian book.

We meet once a term on a Monday evening from 7:45-9pm

You can contact us via email