If you’re planning on coming to any of our ccyouth groups, Please ask a parent/carer to complete this form before you come.
We believe that young people play an important role in the church and the wider community, and we strive to create a space for young people to be themselves, to grow spiritually, and to find a community of friends who will walk with them in their spiritual journey. Youth groups run for young people in school years 7-13. We want to ensure that the times that young people are at church are happy times and provide a solid foundation for their faith.
Scroll to find out about:
Upcoming Events and Groups for young people
Group Details - Who are the groups for? When do they meet?
Sign Up and Consent Form Information
Our Zoom Code of Conduct
Coming up at ccyouth
Coming up at ccyouth 〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️〰️
Join us at pathfinders!
Term Time SUNDAYS AT 10.30am
For those in years 7-10.
We’ll watch a video, talk through questions about life and faith, and have lots of fun! Oh, and did we mention the snacks?!?!
Join us at the Base!
Bring some Tuck Shop Money!
For those in years 7-9.
Occasional Friday Nights at Christ Church. Check calendar above for details.
Join us at K2!
Bring some Tuck Shop Money!
For those in years 10-13.
Occasional Sunday Nights at Christ Church. Check calendar above for details.
Zoom Code of Conduct
For when we need to move things online and use Zoom for our sessions, we’d like you and your child/young person to adhere to our zoom code of conduct.
If my child is participating with any Zoom gatherings for CCYOUTH GROUPS.
I agree that I will support my child to conduct themselves in their behaviour, dress, etc. in the same way as if they are attending a face-to-face session.
I agree not to record sessions by any means, whether directly from Zoom or indirectly.
I will directly supervise my child if they are participating in any Zoom conversations in a reception room of the house, rather than a bedroom.
If in the very unlikely event that a child/young person does not conduct themselves in the appropriate ways on an online forum as outlined above, for the safety and wellbeing of other participants, the CCYouth team will exit your child from the meeting and further clarify with you and parents the commitment to the above agreement.