WElcome to cctots!!!

CCTots encompasses all our groups for pre-school and EYFS aged children, from birth right up to Reception aged children. We run a mid-week Toddler Club (Little Acorns) and have groups on a Sunday morning (Creche and Climbers). We’d love to join us! Contact steve.weston@ccsurbiton.org for more information.

Little Acorns

0-3 year olds & their parents/carers

A fun and friendly group for parents and their pre-school children (including bumps, babiss and toddlers!) with playing, singing, stories, craft activities and refreshments. We meet weekly on a Friday from 9.15-10.45am during term time only.

PLEASE NOTE: We are currently operating a waiting list. Please wait to be contacted before coming along as we don’t have space for more families at the moment.

Your first session is free and then £2 per session after that. Payment can be made by card at Little Acorns.

SUNDAYS during the service

We usually begin our services (starting at 10.30am each Sunday) for about 20 minutes of singing and sharing together, before heading to our groups…


0 – 2½ YEAR OLDS

A safe, loving and fun environment for the little ones and their parents. There are plenty of toys and activities in our special creche room, and also a TV so that parents can engage in the service.



In Climbers, we have lots of fun listening to the amazing stories and hearing about the incredible things that God can do. We also make lots of fun crafts and really enjoy singing and dancing!